
Llenor Ifanc_Young Writer

Sialens mis Ebrill

Disgrifiwch ble fasech yn mynd petai gennych beiriant amser. Meddyliwch am yr amser, y lleoliad a’r bobl. Bydd disgrifiad da yn gwneud i’r darllenwr deimlo ei fod yno.

April's Challenge

Describe where you would like to go if you had a time machine. Think about the time, the place and the people. A good description will make the reader feel as if they are there.

Enillydd mis Mawrth, ein henillydd cyntaf erioed!
Mawr ddiolch i'n beirniad Mr Myfyr Roberts.

March's winner with her trophy!
Many thanks to Mr Myfyr Roberts for judging the competition.

Ysgol Rhoscolyn

Ysgol Rhoscolyn